
EP 164: Danko Jones Interview

Danko Jones returns to the program to discuss the release of the album “A Rock Supreme” which is out April 26th. We talk about vinyl collecting, the realities of the cassette tape, his favorite podcasts, his former column for the Huffington Post, some KISS talk and what we can expect from his latest record “A…

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EP 164: Danko Jones Interview

Danko Jones Interview 2019 – Danko returns to the program to discuss the release of the album “A Rock Supreme,” KISS, Vinyl and more.

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194: EP 164: Interview – Danko Jones (2019)

Danko Jones returns to the program to discuss the release of the album “A Rock Supreme” which is out April 26th. We talk about vinyl collecting, the realities of the cassette tape, his favorite podcasts, his former column for the Huffington Post, some KISS talk and what we can expect from his latest record “A Rock Supreme”. Enjoy. Year of the Cobrawww.dankojones.comhttps://www.facebook.com/dankojoneshttps://twitter.com/dankojoneshttps://www.m-theoryaudio.com/BUY US A BEER & SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://www.gofundme.com/absolutelydrink

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EP 163: Metallica St. Anger – Breaking The Record

We saved the worst for last. The first ever Cobras & Fire March Badness concludes with Metallica’s 2003 disasterpiece Saint Anger. Recorded during a time of distress for the band. Bassist Jason Newsted had left the band. James Hetfield took a year off to get sober. All documented in the documentary Some Kind Of Monster….

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193: EP 163: Metallica St. Anger – Breaking The Record

We saved the worst for last. The first ever Cobras & Fire March Badness concludes with Metallica’s 2003 disasterpiece Saint Anger. Recorded during a time of distress for the band. Bassist Jason Newsted had left the band. James Hetfield took a year off to get sober. All documented in the documentary Some Kind Of Monster. Dealing with a band therapist and a producer pining to join the world’s biggest metal band took its toll and this album is the result.

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Ep 162: KISS – Crazy Nights – Breaking The Record

March Badness marches on as Loose and Bakko tackle the 1987 KISS record Crazy Nights. Crazy Nights was KISS swinging for the fence trying to get some of that Def Leppard/Bon Jovi level of sales. Did they overpay to work with Ron Nevison? Should they put Bang Bang You in the EOTR setlist? Did Bakko…

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192: Ep 162: KISS – Crazy Nights – Breaking The Record

March Badness marches on as Loose and Bakko tackle the 1987 KISS record Crazy Nights. Crazy Nights was KISS swinging for the fence trying to get some of that Def Leppard/Bon Jovi level of sales. Did they overpay to work with Ron Nevison? Should they put Bang Bang You in the EOTR setlist? Did Bakko just coin the term KISS Koma? Find out all of that and more. Plus in this Crackerjack box of a Cobras & Fire EP there is a treat for the listeners. Dig deep and enjoy.

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Interview EP: Michael Wilton of Queensryche

Queensryche founder and guitarist Michael Wilton joins the program to discuss their new album “The Verdict”, the status of drummer Scott Rockenfield, his beer “Whip Ale”, the Pledge Music mess and so much more. BUY US A BEER & SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://www.gofundme.com/absolutelydrink

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191: Interview EP: Michael Wilton of Queensryche

Queensryche founder and guitarist Michael Wilton joins the program to discuss their new album “The Verdict”, the status of drummer Scott Rockenfield, his beer “Whip Ale”, the Pledge Music mess and so much more.


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EP 161: Dirt Trailer, Warrant, Imagine Bro Dragon

March Badness continues this week as Loose and Bakko come heavy for the Imagine Dragons as Bakko bandsplains to ID singer Dan Reynolds how having kids and being in a band works. Other topics discussed this week include: The Dirt trailer. Mick Mars moving to Arizona. Cobras & Fire being the # 1 podcast in…

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