
104: Ep 99: Cobras & Sods – Living Colour Talk WIth Eric Miller of Pods & Sods

Ep 99: Cobras & Sods – Eric Miller of Pods & Sods joins Bakko and LC to talk about Living Colour. Tangents include a twisted game of KFM in which Loose contemplates which terrorist has the softest beard, Eric Miller tells the story of a 1940’s wrestler named Bakko and we make our guest angry while making our case that Living Colour is perfectly rated. But we delivered the BUMB.

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103: EP 98: Happy Halloween – Halloween Song Showdown. Winner Kills All!

Loose and Bakko go head to head with their picks for spooky songs while discussing method acting, Loose dressed as a Smurf, Trick or Treating with the sun out, making a Human Centipede out of podcast hosts, Skippy from Family Ties and Halloween Movies and Soundtracks. Music from Samhain, Rocky Horror, the Fresh Prince, Black Sabbath, Sammi Curr & more. BOO!

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102: Ep 97: Happy Happy Joy Joy Vol 2: Petty, Vegas, Vinnie, & Flat Earthers

Happy Happy Joy Joy Vol 2: With the Vegas concert tragedy and Tom Petty’s death the world needs levity. Join us while we discuss Flat Earthers, Vinnie Vincent, our would be rapper names and more. All while playing music that makes us happy: Scissor Sisters, Flipp, Sammy Hagar, Weird Al, Tom Petty, Grant Hart, Living Colour and more.

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101: Bonus Ep: The Ken Mills Jerk Sock Story

At the Nashville Rock N Pod Expo Ken Mills informed us he had a jerk sock story to tell. Well, here it is. In all it’s graphic glory. Enjoy?

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100: Ep 96: Loose Intervention, Hefner Hologram, More Stryper drama, Grand Rocktember and Mall Piercings

Bakko’s KISS related life choices are questioned while he attempts a one man intervention on Loose Cannon over his purge addiction. Topics covered include; having sex with a Hefner hologram, getting your ear pierced outside of an Orange Julius, a Stryper holy war and a Grand Rocktember recap. Applesauce Bitches! Music from Extreme, Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Rihanna, Trucker Diablo, Drowning Pool.

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99: Bonus Track: Jesus Chrysler – DDOA

From the soon to be released Jesus Chrysler album “…Deny It All Later”. DDOA is a song written in 2009 that lyrically seems like it was penned today. Free download. Please share if you dig it.

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98: Ep 95: Gene and Ace Reunion Recap, Vault Experience, Expo Etiquette

Ep 95: Bakko and LC recap their Meet & Greet experience at the Gene Simmons​ and Ace Frehley​ reunion at The Children Matter Benefit Concert​ in St. Paul, get into the Gene Simmons Vault experience and have an airing of grievances about the six rules of expo and party etiquette that were violated recently all while an iconic sock is put to rest. Ashes to ashes dust to dust. Sockey, we hardly knew ye.

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97: Ep 94: Drunk Cock Rock – Live From Nashville

Ep 94: Drunk Cock Rock – Live from Nashville
After the Rock n Pod Expo pre-party an extremely buzzed Bakko and LC decided to record a trainwreck of an ep from the beautiful Opryland hotel in Nashville, TN. Music from Jackyl, KISS, Tenacious D, ZZ Top, Ozzy, Great White, Steel Panther, Rush and Yes (no).

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96: Interview Ep – Gunnar Nelson from the Rock N Pod Expo

Loose Cannon and Bakko were very fortunate to get some time with Gunnar Nelson of the bands Nelson, Scrap Metal and the possibly soon to be named Stone Canyon Band. Possibly the easiest interview we’ve ever done, Gunnar sits down and tells one uplifting story after another. He champions the benefits of hard work and finding your own path while making everything in the world seem better with his optimistic outlook. Seriously. A really cool guy sort of put us in our place with what seemed like little effort. And he reminded us. We are all just one yes away from a completely different life.

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Ep 93: Expo Interviews Ep 2 – Decibel Geek, Pods & Sods, Rock & Metal Combat

Ep 93: Expo Interviews Ep 2 – Our second round of Podcaster interviews from the Rock N Pod Expo. Featuring Decibel Geek, Pods & Sods, Rock & Metal Combat. Plus professional asshole Billy Hardcore Hardaway joins in along with Josh of Talk Toomey PodBombing us. Each guest picks a song for an eclectic mix of…

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