139: Ep 128: Megadeth Era 3 – MegaDave 2000 – Now – Discography Roundtable
MegaDeth Era 3 – MegaDave – Discography Roundtable: Bakko, LC and Joey Haynie of Rock Strikes Ten return (finally) to discuss and crack wise about the least celebrated – but most interesting era of the Deth saga. Over 7 albums and 18 years the body count of band members pile up like a slasher film. Dave sits on his hand and can’t play guitar “ever again,” remixes, re-records vocals of his entire catalog, guests on Duck Dodgers, goes to rehab, writes a questionable number of songs for video games, and is without Dave “Jr.” Ellefson for over a decade. We talk in detail of highs and lows of this period with more references to Enuff Z’ Enuff and Hanson then one would expect.
Albums covered: World Needs a Hero, System has Failed, United Abominations, EndGame, 13, Super Collider, Dystopia