
139: Ep 128: Megadeth Era 3 – MegaDave 2000 – Now – Discography Roundtable

MegaDeth Era 3 – MegaDave – Discography Roundtable: Bakko, LC and Joey Haynie of Rock Strikes Ten return (finally) to discuss and crack wise about the least celebrated – but most interesting era of the Deth saga. Over 7 albums and 18 years the body count of band members pile up like a slasher film. Dave sits on his hand and can’t play guitar “ever again,” remixes, re-records vocals of his entire catalog, guests on Duck Dodgers, goes to rehab, writes a questionable number of songs for video games, and is without Dave “Jr.” Ellefson for over a decade. We talk in detail of highs and lows of this period with more references to Enuff Z’ Enuff and Hanson then one would expect.
Albums covered: World Needs a Hero, System has Failed, United Abominations, EndGame, 13, Super Collider, Dystopia

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Ep 127: Ripe Rock 2018

What’s that delicious smell? That’s Ripe Rock right out of the oven. This ep is overflowing with tasty new music selected by us and our listeners.. and a few tracks as fresh as LC’s movie references. Featuring music from: Ghost, Red City Radio, Animal Drive, Local H, Standstills, Blue Stones, Diablo Blvd, Sons of Apollo,…

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138: EP 126: Indy KISS Expo, Lick it Up: Albums Unbuckled, CobraFest 2018

We record another ep ALIVE AND IN-PERSON in Bakko’s basement. In a KISS-themed ep, we discuss the Indy KISS Expo and do an impromptu Albums Unbuckled track-by-track of Lick it Up. We also reveal our plans for CobraFest 2018 which will take place in the parking lot at the Rock N Pod Expo. This episode’s beer was sponsored by Ivan Galesic. Turn your phones! Music from:

Dokken: Unchain the Night Corpse
Dube: Pretty Girls on Bikes
Motley Crue: Garbley Gook Live Kickstart
Ace Frehley: Bronx Champagne
KISS: Got Another Thing Licked

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137: Ep 125: Fest Recap – Bakko & LC’s Excellent Invasion

Loose and Bakko recap their excellent adventures gallivanting around the 4th annual Northern Invasion rock fest. They breakdown the highs and lows of the sounds, sights and smells of the show located in Somerset, Wisconsin – the El Camino capital of the world.

SOUNDS: Alice In Chains, Tool, Stone Temple Pilots, Satanic Geologists, Andrew WK, Avenged Veiled Brides, Red Sun Rising, Bronx, Atreyu, Black Stone Cherry, Perfect Circle Jerks, Spirit Animal, Joyous Wolf, Dube

Music Featured – Spotify Playlist – Preview and Buy Music:

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136: Interview EP: Them Evils – Jordan Griffin

Cobras and Fire welcomes, from the band Them Evils, singer guitarist Jordan Griffin. He talks about their great new EP Rollin’ Stoned and Livin Free (Out now), the difference between pets and a girlfriend, which member of the band smells the worst after a couple of weeks on tour and so much more as he faces the dilemma of choosing between Papa Johns or Chipotle. A seriously light hearted conversation with one of the rising stars of rock.

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EP 124: The Glorious Sons – Brett Emmons Interview

The Glorious Sons singer Brett Emmons joins the program in a wide ranging interview. He talks about the future of rock n roll, why they stopped playing their hit song Heavy, finding his voice as a songwriter, what he hopes to accomplish with his band and so much more. This interview gives the listener some…

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135: EP 124: The Glorious Son Brett Emmons Interview

The Glorious Sons singer Brett Emmons joins the program in a wide ranging interview. He talks about the future of rock n roll, why they stopped playing their hit song Heavy, finding his voice as a songwriter, what he hopes to accomplish with his band and so much more. This interview gives the listener some insight into one of rocks rising young songwriters.

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134: EP 123: RATTwich – RATT Drama, BulletBoys Reunion at Sea, Rock n Pod Update

This week we get into the latest round of RATT drama, Loose being pleasant to people, Chris Czynszak joins the show to discuss Rock N Pod 2, a bathroom catastrophe at Which Wich, gearing up for Festival Season and a possible reunion of the original BulletBoys on the Monsters of Rock Cruise.

Featuring these artists. Buy Music!

RATT: A little too much
Them Evils: You got me Rockin
Stryper: Sorry
BulletBoys: From out of the sky
Bronx: Two Birds
Audrey Horne: Blackout
Mustasch: Liberte

Ep Spotify Music Review PlayList:

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133: EP 122: Concert Recaps, Record Store Day, Tipping Etiquette

Ep 122 – Concert Recaps, Record Store Day, Tipping Etiquette – Bakko and LC detail their experiences at two recent concerts they attended together, apart: Judas Priest / Saxon / Black Star Riders and Glorious Sons. They also discuss Record Store Day and tipping etiquette on an $8 Budweiser. Music featured in show order below. Support artists. Buy this music!

Turbonegro – Special Education
The Wild! – Another Bottle
John Corabi – Hooligan’s Holliday
Glorious Sons – Heavy
Texas Hippie Coalition – Hands Up
Black Star Riders – Dancing with the Wrong Girl
Judas Priest – No Surrender

Spotify Preview Playlist 122:

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EP 121: Albums Nuked: KISS Sonic Boom

KISS released their 19th album Sonic Boom in 2009 exclusively at Wal-Mart… and the world hasn’t recovered. Join Loose and Bakko as they do a track-by-track of what is considered KISS’s masterpiece…if graded on a curve. A curve where not stepping over a baby’s diapers on the floor means you are in a CLEAN bathroom….

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