Loose and Bakko crash the Grammys this week. Before leaving with their hardware they tear apart music’s biggest night. Other topics include: KISS’s choice for opening act on the EOTR tour and Loose’s conspiracy theory on how that came to be. Eddie Trunk talking about not being able to talk about what he’s talking about. Punxsutawney Phil’s weather forecast. Bakko Mansplaining to Alicia Keys. Breaking down modern day payola. We even steal a joke from Pods & Sods host Eric Miller.
Featuring the music:
Stone Sour – Come Whatever May
Holy White Hounds – Perpetrator
Badflower – x ANA x
Ron Keel Band – Long Way Down
Panic At The Disco! – Say Amen (Saturday Night)[Written by Brenden Urie, Jake Sinclair, Lauren Pritchard, Sam Hollander, Toby Wincorn, Tom PeytonImad, Roy El-Amine, Suzy Shinn, Thomas Brenneck, Michael Deller, Daniel Foder, Andrew Greene, Brian Profilio, Jared Tankel, Nathan Abshire & Produced by Jake Sinclair, Tobias Wincorn & Suzy Shinn]
The Damned Things – Cells
Asking Alexandria – Alone In A Room
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