
EP 175: Eddie Trunk Interview

Eddie Trunk Interview 2019 | Noted That Metal Show host Eddie Trunk joins the program to discuss his career and origin of his feud with Paul Stanley of KISS

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208: The Brynn Arens Interview – FLIPP

FLIPP is back and has a new record coming. Frontman Brynn Arens joins the program for a wide ranging interview covering his entire career. We get into all sorts of FLIPP stories but this is so much more. Brynn has stories about Bill Aucoin, Jack Douglas, Snoop Dogg, Evanescence, Art Aleksakis, the Misfits, Megadeth, Guns N Roses, the Rolling Stones, Sean Lennon, Stephen Shareux, the Oddfathers, and more. Settle in because this is a fun one.

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Brynn Arens Interview – FLIPP

FLIPP is back and has a new record coming. Frontman Brynn Arens joins the program for a wide ranging interview covering his entire career. We get into all sorts of FLIPP stories but this is so much more. Brynn has stories about Bill Aucoin, Jack Douglas, Snoop Dogg, Evanescence, Art Aleksakis, the Misfits, Megadeth, Guns…

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Big Dad Ritch of Texas Hippie Coalition Interview

Interview Ep: Big Dad Ritch of Texas Hippie Coalition joins the show for a fun conversation about their new album “High in the Saddle,” the challenge of local promotors, keeping the same band lineup, the evils of the music industry and being the greatest Red Dirt Metal band on Earth. So turn it up and get your dirty finger in the air!

Music Featured:

Rock’s Not Dead
Turn it Up
Blue Lights On

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207: Interview Ep: Big Dad Ritch of Texas Hippie Coalition

Interview Ep: Big Dad Ritch of Texas Hippie Coalition joins the show for a fun conversation about their new album “High in the Saddle,” the challenge of local promotors, keeping the same band lineup, the evils of the music industry and being the greatest Red Dirt Metal band on Earth. So turn it up and get your dirty finger in the air!

Music Featured:

Rock’s Not Dead
Turn it Up
Blue Lights On

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Ep 173: Geoff Tate Interview

Singer Geoff Tate joins the program to discuss his latest project Sweet Oblivion, out June 14th on Frontiers Records. We also talk about his European Wine Tours, Hear N Aid, the making of the Operation Mindcrime record and much more. Past, present & future. A must listen for all Geoff Tate fans.

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EP 174: Bret Michaels Crockfest-Ultimate Ice-T, Cooking & Wrestling Block Party

On this week’s ep, we dIscuss Bret Michaels and Guy Fieri’s CrockFest, Ice-T almost shoots an Amazon driver, we break down a deep track Judas Priest concert, and LC goes to a punk rock Mucho Libre wrestling beer fest and continues to have issues ordering food. #YearOfTheCobra Music: Texas Hippie Coalition: Dirty Finger Biters: Low…

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206: EP 174: Bret Michaels Crockfest-Ultimate Ice-T, Cooking & Wrestling Block Party

On this week’s ep, we dIscuss Bret Michaels and Guy Fieri’s CrockFest, Ice-T almost shoots an Amazon driver, we break down a deep track Judas Priest concert, and LC goes to a punk rock Mucho Libre wrestling beer fest and continues to have issues ordering food. #YearOfTheCobra

Texas Hippie Coalition: Dirty Finger
Biters: Low Lives in High Definition
Judas Priest: Heading Out to the Highway
Body Count: Institutionalized 2014
Poison: Valley of Lost Souls

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205: EP 173: The Geoff Tate Interview

Singer Geoff Tate joins the program to discuss his latest project Sweet Oblivion, out June 14th on Frontiers Records. We also talk about his European Wine Tours, Hear N Aid, the making of the Operation Mindcrime record and much more. Past, present & future. A must listen for all Geoff Tate fans.

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EP 172: Geoff Tate – Operation Winecrime

On this weeks EP Loose & Bakko ponder what it would be like to spend a week touring European vineyards with former Queensryche singer Geoff Tate. They also discuss: Nirvana being responsible for Zima. Buying merch at a Overkill concert. Mothers of daughters singing along at a Buckcherry concert. Buying some KISS on vinyl and…

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